Várias ferramentas úteis para desenvolver jogos
Há um tempo me enviaram este post do Reddit chamado “Pocketknives for Game Developers“, que é um conjunto de ferramentas gratuitas úteis em várias partes do processo de desenvolver um jogo.
Segundo o post, todos os links que estão lá são muito bons para sua função específica, são gratuitos e “portables”, ou seja, são flexíveis a ponto de exportar os dados para serem usados em outras ferramentas.
Eu copiar a lista de lá colei aqui para facilitar, mas não deixem de acessar o post original clicando aqui, pois lá existem mais sugestões nos comentários e explicações de por que usar cada uma dessas ferramentas.
- Spritesheet Cutter: http://spritecutie.com/ (created by /u/Rezoner)
- Turn photos to 8bit: http://superpixeltime.com/ (created by /u/FamousAspect)
- Simple 3D Modeller: http://www.3dtin.com/ (Thanks /u/TannerNetwork!)
- SVG Vector Art: http://svg-edit.googlecode.com/svn/branches/2.6/editor/svg-editor.html
- Photoshop-like Webapp: http://pixlr.com/editor/ (Thanks /u/2Fort!)
- Pixel Art: http://makepixelart.com/free/
- Pixel Art Analyzer: http://hivemind.in/pj/specs/ (Thanks /u/MoarThenFeeling!)
- Pixel Animation: http://www.pickleeditor.com/ (Thanks /u/LoveDuckie!) Adobe Air app
- Pixel Tileset: http://pyxeledit.com/ (created by /u/Danik112, suggested by /u/InlineVoid) Adobe Air app
- Compressor de Imagens: https://www.websiteplanet.com/pt-br/webtools/imagecompressor/
- Make Music #1: http://soundation.com/studio (Feels like GarageBand. Thanks /u/optimality!)
- Make Music #2: http://www.audiotool.com/app (If you like sliders and knobs)
- Make Music #3: http://www.beepbox.co/ (Super-simple chiptune loop creator. Thanks /u/Spajder!)
- Sound FX #1: http://www.superflashbros.net/as3sfxr/
- Sound FX #2: http://www.bfxr.net/ (Newer revision of sfxr. Thanks /u/ethicszen!)
- Sound FX #3: http://www.leshylabs.com/apps/sfMaker/ (An HTML5 version of sfxr by /u/LeshyLabs)
- Convert OGG/MP3/WAV: http://media.io (Thanks /u/Bionsuba!)
- Convert WAV to MP3: http://audioformat.com/wav-to-mp3 (Thanks /u/RyeBread761!)
- Procedural Tunes: https://github.com/wibblymat/ld24/blob/master/autotracker.py (Thanks/u/Cosmologicon!) Python script
- Wolfram Tones: http://tones.wolfram.com/generate/ (MATHEMUSICAL. Thanks /u/BluShine!) Turns out Wolfram has a non-permissive license for the tunes it procedurally generates, so you can’t use them in your games. Uncool. Thanks to /u/ethicszen for the correction!
- Placeholder Kittens: http://placekitten.com/ (To test loading external images / image manipulation.)
- data:text/html, <html contenteditable> (Paste into your address bar for an instant in-browser notepad)
- JSON Prettifier: http://jsonsh.com/
- JSON Lint: http://jsonlint.com/ (Thanks /u/Skjalg!)
- Tile Maps: http://elias-schuett.de/git/Online-Tile-Map-Editor
- UI Wireframing: https://moqups.com
- Flowcharting game flow: https://www.lucidchart.com (Thanks /u/MX-Chronos!)
- HTML5 Level Editor: http://www.craftyy.com (Full disclosure: /u/CosmicJC & I made this.)
- Game Mechanics: http://www.jorisdormans.nl/machinations/ (Thanks /u/Quantanamo!)
- Grid Map Editor: http://www.arraypainter.com (Thanks /u/oldsecondhand!) Standalone Java app
- Tiled Map Editor: http://www.mapeditor.org (Thanks /u/KillaW0lf04!) not web app
- Canva: https://www.canva.com/pt_br (Veja o canal no YouTube para conhecer mais sobre esta ferramenta)
- Organization: http://corkboard.me/ (Automatically creates your organization “corkboard”, no login needed!)
- Collaboration: https://trello.com/ (Thanks /u/MatticusRex & /u/Reaner!)
- Screenrecording*: http://www.screenr.com/ (Screencast without downloading anything) Warning: It uses the Java web applet, which hasn’t had a great track record with security issues.
- Regex: http://regexpal.com/ (Thanks /u/Noctune!)
- Collaborative Coding: http://collabedit.com/ (Like Google Docs for programming. Thanks /u/BluShine!)
- Gist: https://gist.github.com/ (Good for sharing snippets of code)
- Pastie: http://pastie.org/ (Pastebin with plugins available for Sublime & TextMate. Thanks /u/agmcleod!)
- Making JS+CSS+HTML #1: http://jsfiddle.net/ (Thanks /u/MurderOfCrows!)
- Making JS+CSS+HTML #2: http://codepen.io/ (Thanks /u/Azeirah!)
- Making JS+CSS+HTML #3: http://cssdeck.com/ (Thanks /u/Rezoner!)
- Open Game Art: http://opengameart.org/ (of course)
- Pocketknives for Javascript: http://microjs.com/
- Game-specific UI Icons: http://game-icons.net/ (Thanks /u/AutumnGecko!)
- General UI Icons: http://thenounproject.com/
- Fonts #1: http://www.google.com/webfonts (Free, open-source, and you can simply embed them)
- Fonts #2: http://www.dafont.com/ (Licenses vary, mostly free for personal use)
- 3D Textures: http://www.cgtextures.com/ (Thanks /u/Brother_Clovis!)
- Sound effects: http://www.freesound.org/ (Thanks /u/Connerses!)